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The Weekly Informer (6/20/16)

On Monday, June 13th, 2016, at 5:30pm, the following transpired:


  1. Finance (Floyd, Fraizer, Marmie, Bubb, and Cost):

  2. Resolution No. 16-52: With a request to vote without a second reading, spending money.

  3. $1,000 for General Services, specifically for the Mental Health and Recovery Board incentives. Passed unanimously.

  4. .

  5. .

  6. Resolution No. 16-53: spending money.

  7. $500 for General Services, specifically for the police division. Money came from a “local financial institution” donation. Passed unanimously.

  8. $3,248 for General Services, specifically for the police division. Claim is that this is from “seizure money”. Passed unanimously.

  9. Capital Improvements (*):

  10. .

  11. Service: (Rath, Cost, Fraizer, Floyd, and Bubb)

a. Ordinance No. 16-19: “changing the zoning classification of…1621 North 21st Street [from a General Office District to a General Commercial District].”

b. Ordinance No. 16-20: “changing the zoning classification of…158 Myrtle Avenue [from a Single Family Residence Medium Density District to a General Commercial District].”

c. Ordinance No. 16-21: “changing the zoning classification of…807 N. 21st Street [from a Single Family Residence Medium Density District to a General Office District].”

d. Ordinance No. 16-22: “changing the zoning classification of…813 N. 21st Street [from a Single Family Residence Medium Density District to a General Office District].”

e. Ordinance No. 16-23: “changing the zoning classification of…819 N. 21st Street [from a Single Family Residence Medium Density District to a General Office District].”

f. Ordinance No. 16-24: “changing the zoning classification of…825 N. 21st Street [from a Limited Office District to a General Office District].”

Result for all six: Each received quick, unanimous support after Service Director Rhodes expressed that the administration is presently withholding an opinion pending what the planning commission says.

  1. Safety (Fraizer, Rath, Blake, Johnson, and Floyd):

  2. Ordinance No. 16-25: changing regulations of downtown parking.

  3. Steve Layman of the Downtown Newark Association presented the D.N.A.’s case. He proposed a private sector collaboration to address the frustration with the perceived chaos in downtown parking which has been exacerbated as a consequence of the project in the area. The organization is offering to pay for a privately-hired Part Time officer to patrol and enforce parking laws from 8am to 12:30pm, reducing the time limit from 3 to 2 hours, reducing the warnings from 3 to 2, all before giving out a $50 ticket. Also, desired that city provide a change in parking signs and a handheld device for the officer. The vote was unanimously in favor.

  4. Personnel (Bubb, Rolletta, Marmie, Blake, and Johnson):

  5. Ordinance No. 16-17: amending the position classification, pay range and department authorization tables of the Department of Safety, Division of Fire by creating the classification of Deputy Fire Chief, and setting the compensation therefore, and abolishing one Assistant Chief position by attrition.

  6. Safety Director Spurgeon and Fire Chief Connor expressed support for this measure, saying that it is necessary to eliminate a “bargaining unit position” in favor of a position that isn’t part of the union, but part of the administration. They note their belief that it is important to have someone who has “the city’s interests in mind” as opposed to being influenced by the membership of the organized firefighters. The position they want to eradicate via “attrition” is one of four union-protected Assistant Chief positions, and the newly created officer would serve as a stand-in for the Chief when he or she is unable. Also, the proposed salary would “split the Chief and Assistant Chief salaries”. The Union President McElfresh shared his frustrations with the lack of regard for the collective bargaining process and highlighted the problems with staffing, even noting that the position that is proposed to be abolished is presently able to help on the field when needed, but that wouldn’t be the case once attrition takes this spot away. Passed 4-1, with Councilman Rolletta being the lone vote in opposition.

  7. Recreation:

  8. No business. Result: *

  9. Street (Hall, Blake, Rath, Rolletta, Floyd, Johnson, and Fraizer):

a. None.

  1. Rules (*):

  2. Economic Development (Blake, Rath, Cost, Fraizer, and Johnson):

  3. Ordinance No. 16-18: “prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation”.

  4. Councilman Blake led a moment of silence in honor of those lost in Orlando, Service Director Rhodes communicated the administration’s support of the measure. Councilman Blake noted that he hopes our city will lead the way for our state. It passed unanimously.

  5. Ways and Means:

  6. No business. Result: *

Further thoughts:

I have no thoughts at this time, other than to note that 9 citizens attended.

What to expect at the next Council Meeting at 7pm:

1) Appointments: John Uible and Steve Gleeson to the Newark City Tax Review Board.

2) Public Hearings: None.

Any Resolutions or Ordinances on the First Reading – except those brought forward using Rule 11 – were already covered at the recent committee meeting as seen above.

3) Ordinances on the Second Reading:

a. Ordinance No. 16-16: making further amendments to the vicious dog law.

* Changes classification of dogs which kills other dogs from “dangerous” to “vicious”.

* Changes vicious dog permit requirements from annually without specific deadline to make it annually every January 31st.

4) Resolutions on the Second Reading:

a. Resolution No. 16-51: spending money.

* $500 (flower donation for City Hall beautification).

* $300,000 for Street Maintenance (from the Budget Stabilization then to the General Fund and then to Capital Improvements).




See you all next week. Thanks for reading.

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